Sunday, August 24, 2014

Weekly Update!

Greetings 2nd Grade Families!

I hope you had a chance to enjoy the warm (finally summer) weather this weekend! 
It was a HOT one! We spent most of the weekend in the pool!

Sorry this is getting to you at such a late hour on a Sunday evening... I am one of the unfortunate Charter customers who have been without internet all weekend. It's finally back up so I can get this out to you!

Our class had a FABULOUS five days of learning last week. We spent some more time learning about each other and building community in our classroom. We also spent a lot of time working with the Seven Habits of Happy Kids. The kids are working hard to be proactive 2nd graders (Habit 1) and have started to set goals to "Begin with the end in mind." (Habit 2) It's been so much fun getting to know your kids better. They are already starting to gel as a team! (Habit 7, Synergize) It's really cool to watch!

We also had a really cool assembly on Friday! Check out the blog to see some photos!

Here are a few reminders for this week!

Upcoming Events
Tuesday 8/26 7:00 pm -- 2nd Grade Curriculum Night 
Monday 9/1 -- Labor Day (No School!)
Wednesday 9/17 -- Early Release (Dismissal @ 1:40)
Friday 9/26 -- No School (Professional Development Day)

Did you know you can find all of Concord (and Lindbergh's) events on our Google Calendar? It's right here on the right side of the blog. 

As we get ready for another HOT week, please consider sending a water bottle to school with your child. They are welcome to drink water at any time during the day. However, the closest water fountain is half-way across the building. Having a water bottle makes it much easier. 

Just a reminder, we also have snack each day at 1:40 pm. Thank you for your efforts to send in nut-free snacks! 

We will continue to build our stamina during Daily 5 Reading. We have learned that, just like athletes, we have to build our "reading muscles" by practicing. We have to practice proactively choosing a spot to work and staying there, reading quietly, and reading the whole time. We are also adding in "Read to Someone" and "Listen to Reading" this week. Students will begin to make choices during Daily 5 Reading and decide how they want to use this valuable learning time. We are also working together as a team to learn about how good readers do important thinking before, during, and after reading a book.
I will collect Reading Logs tomorrow morning, and a new one will be sent home Monday night! 

We are also working on building stamina during Writer's Workshop. We have been working our writing muscles just like we did in reading. We will continue to work on showing our thoughts through words, illustrations, and across many pages. We will continue to work on being independent writers bu problem solving when we don't know how to spell things or don't have any ideas, and how to edit out work. 

In Math Workshop we will learn about our math stations. We have lots of stations to learn about this week so we can begin using them to develop math skills each day. We are also sharpening our skills with addition and subtraction strategies. We will have out first math test this week as well. This is a lot of review from first grade, and they are doing great! 

Thanks again for returning all of the forms and papers the office needed for your children. I know it was a lot of paperwork, but it's greatly appreciated! I think I almost have everything. 

If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to call or email! I love hearing from you!!
I'm looking forward to seeing you at curriculum night on Tuesday! Have a great week!

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