These links take you to different websites where you can read poetry, listen to poetry, and play poetry games.
Listen to Reading
These links will take you to different websites where you can "Listen to Reading." These can be accessed from home and during Daily 5 at school.
Concord uses a word study program called "Words Their Way." Students work in small groups during Daily 5 to meet their individual word study needs. This program is based upon not only being able to spell the words they are given each week, but applying their knowledge other words.
Each week, kids bring home a page of spelling words labeled as a "sort."
These have been introduced in class with their small group. They may already know how to spell some of these words, but the focus is on the spelling patterns within the words. By working with words they know how to spell, these pattern help them spell other words they don't know.
Each evening you can help your child learn the spelling pattern by doing a variety of activities. These have all been modeled in class, so let your child teach you how to do them!
Spelling City
Sort The Words
Words need to be sorted into categories. Each sort has a header - a picture, word or symbols at the top in bold. There can also be an "oddball" header for words that don't follow the pattern.
Blind Sort
Place the words on the table. Without showing the word, you will say the word to your child. The child will point to the heading there it is to be placed. This is checking the ability to hear the individual sounds in the words. Place the correct words under the headings Incorrect words go at the bottom of the stack and are called out a second time.
Writing Sort
Place the headers down on the table with paper for writing. As you as the words in a random order, they will write them under the correct heading. If the word is misspelled, ask your child to try again. This can also be done on a dry erase board or by using a device.
Word Hunt
Look for the spelling words in a newspaper or magazine. It is even more beneficial to fine other words that follow the same pattern.
Extension Sort
Once your child understands the patterns, add additional words that follow the same pattern.
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